DUI and DWI Defense
If you are charged with Driving While Impaired (DWI/DUI), you need an experienced attorney who concentrates in this field to help you through the entire process.
North Carolina DWI laws are complex and change frequently. Zachary Cohen is dedicated to defending individuals who have been charged with Driving While Impaired. A DWI conviction is detrimental to your driving record and your insurance premium. Zachary Cohen personally evaluates your case and will build a complete defense.
Did you know that if you are convicted of a DWI/DUI, you will lose your driver’s license for a period of at least one (1) year? And that your collision insurance will increase by 400%? In many cases, there are timely motions that need to be filed or subpoenas that need to be served on your behalf to give you the very best possible defense.
Did you know that from the moment you are charged with a DWI/DUI, your license is immediately revoked for a period of thirty (30) days? We can help you get a Limited Driving Privilege after the initial ten (10) days until your thirty (30) days are up. We know that you have a life, a job, a family, and you need to be able to drive again as soon as possible so that you don’t lose your job. We can give you all of the necessary information and representation so that you are driving again as soon as possible.
Did you know that if you go to the DMV or go online to get an I.D. (or duplicate license) during your 30-day civil revocation period, this revocation period could actually turn into a 45-day period and that you could mess up your chances for getting a pre-trial driving privilege during this initial time period?
Did you know that if you blow .15 or higher on the Intoxilyzer test – and if you are convicted – you must have an Interlock device installed in your vehicle for one (1) year? Let us answer all of your questions and help you through the entire scary process, as our staff has the experience in these matters to answer all of your questions.